Dickinson County Library logo

Dickinson County Library

We help the community find its story!

Dickinson County Library Main Branch

Main Branch

Iron Mountain, MI

Solomonson Branch

Solomonson- Norway Branch

Norway, MI

Inside the North Dickinson Branch

North Dickinson Branch

Felch, MI


Snowshoe Lending Library

Our snowshoe lending library is back! Snowshoes can only be checked out at the Main Branch and you must be 18+ to check them out. Multiple pairs can be checked out using a single library card, and we have adult and children’s sizes–fun for the whole family! This project was made possible by many community partners including Dickinson Trail Network, Iron Mountain-Kingsford Community Federal Credit Union, Upper Michigan Energy Resources, We Energies, Dickinson Area Community Foundation, and U.P. Sport and Spoke!

Save the Date: 15th Annual Prom Dress Swap

The Prom Dress Swap is February 28-March 2 at the Main Branch! All teens may attend the swap and choose an item free of charge; they do not need to make a donation or be a library card holder to attend. All branches are now accepting donations of clean and gently used dresses, ties, shoes, and accessories. Thank you to our amazing community donors that make this program a success each year!


Therapy Lamps Available for Checkout

Is the colder weather bringing you down? Don’t forget that we have light therapy lamps available for checkout at all three branches! Along with helping those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder, benefits of light therapy include increased focus, increased energy, lower blood pressure, and more! Therapy Lamps provided by Dickinson Iron Communities that Care.

Niche Academy

Access the Dickinson County Library’s Niche Academy for self-paced tutorials!  Subjects range from information on using library digital services and other online resources, to self-care, defensive driving, and so much more!


Sign up for our E-Newsletter!

Click on the link below to sign up to receive a PDF version of our monthly newsletter!

Upcoming Library Events

Digital Resources

Click the logos below to access each resource! You will be prompted to enter your library card number and possibly your PIN number as well. Please call us at 906-774-1218 if you need assistance. Be sure to visit our Resources page, Kids’ Resources page, and Teens’ Resources page for even more helpful links!


Check out eBooks, audiobooks, and eMagazines through Great Lakes Digital Libraries with the Libby app or in your browser!

kanopy service logo


Stream movies, documentaries, and children’s programming for free with your library card!

Michigan eLibrary logo

Michigan eLibrary

Search the MeL catalog to request items from downstate libraries!
You can also browse one of its many databases!

Mango logo


Learn a foreign language with the help of Mango Languages!

World Book Online logo

World Book Online

Read World Book Encyclopedias online!

World eBook

World eBook

Even more eBooks are available from World Book!

A to Z the USA Tutorial

A to Z the USA

Check out the A to Z the USA database for tons of facts about each state!

AZ Food America

A to Z Food America

What’s for dinner? Get recipe ideas from A to Z Food America!

Global Road Warrior logo

Global Road Warrior

Global Road Warrior has all the information you need about countries around the world!