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Local History PowerPoint Presentations

William Cummings has shared a number of his presentations including “Remnants of Early Downtown Iron Mountain,” “Early School Days in Dickinson County, Michigan” and “Researching Your Family Tree.” There is no audio with these slides, but there is plenty of excellent information and many photos included, a complete list with links to each presentation can be found below. Enjoy!

Added December 2024 

First Presbyterian Church, Iron Mountain-Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan – History of Church from 1884-2024 (154 Slides)
This presentation celebrates 140 years of service at the First Presbyterian Church and includes biographical information on the pastors who have served this church, early newspaper items regarding the church and its activities from 1884-1915, the dedication ceremony for the current church at 395 Hamilton Avenue on October 12, 1958, and series of photographs showing early Iron Mountain from the 1880s and 1890s.


Added September 2024 (original presentation date August 25, 2024)

The Wisconsin Heights Black Colonization Scam and Ku Klux Klan in Dickinson County, MI (122 Slides)
This presentation was given in August 2024 to honor and inform of the 100th anniversary of a cross burning on Millie Hill in Dickinson County, MI.

Added from the 2023 UP History Conference:

Iron Mountain Ford Motor Company Plant – Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan 1920-1951 (154 Slides)
This presentation was given at the 2023 UP History Conference and added shortly after. It is a history of the Ford Motor Company Plant in Kingsford.

“Soiled Doves” on the Eastern Menominee Range (65 Slides)
This presentation was given at the 2023 UP History Conference and added shortly after. It is a history of prostitution from “Old Man” Mudge’s stockade in Florence, Wisconsin in the 1880’s to Iron Mountain’s Midway Brothels in the 1920’s.

Channing: Railroad Center in North Dickinson County, Michigan (103 Slides)
This presentation, first shared in 2019, includes images with captions, newspaper articles, advertisements, and more detailing the people and the history of the railroad in Channing, MI. (Updated 2022)

The Colonial Theatre Company’s Iron Mountain Venues: The Bijou Theatre, The Colonial Theatre, The Braumart Theatre (122 slides)
This presentation, updated in November of 2022, includes images with captions, newspaper articles, advertisements, and more detailing the history of the three Colonial Theatre Company venues in Iron Mountain.

Early Dickinson County Sawmill Settlements (156 slides)
This presentation explores early sawmill settlements including Foster City and Hardwood in Breen Township, Sturgeon Mill in Norway Township, and Sagola in Sagola Township. Also included is Iron Mountain’s Von Platen-Fox Mill. The presentation features postcards and photographs from the early 1900’s with descriptive captions.

Early Logging on the Eastern Menominee Iron Range (94 Slides)
This presentation delves into the early life of loggers on the Eastern Menominee Iron Range. Utilizing John Emmett Nelligan’s autobiography, A White Pine Empire: Life of a Lumberman, and photographs that showcase all aspects of logging, this presentation shows how this area was shaped by the logging industry.

Early School Days in Dickinson County, Michigan – Part 1 (92 Slides)
This presentation covers the history of schools in Dickinson County, Michigan. Part 1 includes Breen Township, and part of Breitung Township (Kingsford, Quinnesec, and rural areas).

Early School Days in Dickinson County, Michigan – Part 2 (111 Slides)
Part 2 covers the rest of Breitung Township (Iron Mountain).

Early School Days in Dickinson County, Michigan – Part 3 (150 Slides)
Part 3 covers Felch Township, Norway Township, Waucedah Township and West Branch Township.

Fetching the Doctor: Dickinson County’s Early Medical History (200 Slides)
This presentation includes images with captions, biographical information, newspaper articles, and personal letters detailing the early medical history of Dickinson County. Topics covered are early physicians, hospitals, pest houses, poor farm, nurses, and dentists.

Glimpses of Early Dickinson County (163 Slides)
This presentation includes many photographs and newspaper articles showing what life was like in early Dickinson County.

The Great War and Armistice Day – Part 1 (102 Slides)
This presentation covers various aspects of World War One and the history of Veterans’ Day through photographs, postcards, and images of war posters/propaganda. Part 1 includes: brief history of US Military 1907-1916, a timeline for WWI, music of the era, brief history of the doughboys, and Sections 1-4 of the presentation. (Section 1 – Public Attitude Toward America’s Involvement in “The Great War,” Section 2 – Selective Military Conscription Bill – “The Draft” – Passed May 18, 1917, Section 3 – Basic Training for the Infantrymen and Officers, Section 4 – Travel Aboard the Troop Ships to France “Over There”)

The Great War and Armistice Day – Part 2 (134 Slides)
This presentation covers various aspects of World War One and the history of Veterans’ Day through photographs, postcards, and images of war posters/propaganda. Part 2 includes sections 5-11 of the presentation. (Section 5 – Conditions on the Western Front and in the Trenches, Section 6 – Life Aboard Ship for the Sailors, Section 7 – Medical Care for the Injured and Wounded Abroad and at Home, Section 8 – The End of Hostilities November 11, 1918 at 11:00 AM and the Signing of the Peace Treaty on June 28, 1919, Section 9 – Returning Home Aboard Ship, Celebrations and Parades, Section 10 – Final Resting Places for Those Who Died and the Unknown Soldier, Section 11 – Armistice Day, Now Called Veterans’ Day, November 11.

Iron County, Michigan: The Western Terminus of the Menominee Iron Range Part 1 (153 Slides)
This presentation includes many photographs and newspaper highlights on the history of Iron County.

Iron County, Michigan: The Western Terminus of the Menominee Iron Range Part 2 (191 Slides)
This presentation continues with the history of Iron County.

Iron Mountain Ford Motor Company Plant Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan 1920-1951 (385 Slides)
This presentation, first shared in January, 2020, includes a history of the Iron Mountain Ford Motor Company Plant which was located in Kingsford. An outline of the presentation is linked here to help navigate major topics including: Henry Ford’s Beginnings in the Automobile Industry; Henry Ford’s Early Connection with Iron Mountain and Dickinson County; Building the Iron Mountain Ford Motor Company Plant in Kingsford; Model T Parts Production; Station Wagon Production; WACO CG-4A Glider Production; Post-War Station Wagon Production; Charcoal Briquet Production; The Closing of the Iron Mountain Ford Motor Company Plant.

Iron Mountain’s Carnegie Public Library (75 Slides)
This presentation covers the history of Iron Mountain’s Carnegie public library which is now the Menominee Range Historical Foundation Museum.

Iron Mountain’s Cornish Pumping Engine and the Mines it Dewatered (147 Slides)
This presentation covers the history of the Cornish Pump and includes information on the Chapin, Ludington, and Hamilton Mines.

John Tyler Jones and the Ardis Furnace (81 Slides)
This presentation features the personal and professional life of John T. Jones, superintendent of the Keel Ridge Mine, the Hamilton Mine and the Antoine Ore Company (Traders Mine).

Norway, Michigan – Part 1 (101 Slides)
This presentation includes hundreds of historic photos and postcards from the Norway area. Part 1 begins with information on early photographers and then covers general views of Norway, the business district, residential district, and churches. The presentation continues with Part 2.

Norway, Michigan – Part 2 (119 Slides)
This presentation includes hundreds of historic photos and postcards from the Norway area. Part 2 picks up where Part 1 ends, covering schools, hospitals, mines, various views, and the settlements of Vulcan and Sturgeon Mills.

The Prohibition Era on the Eastern Menominee Iron Range (180 Slides)
This presentation includes images with captions, newspaper articles, advertisements, and more detailing the rich history of prohibition on the Eastern Menominee Iron Range.

Remnants of Early Downtown Iron Mountain – Part 1 (192 Slides)
This presentation covers Iron Mountain’s business district then and now. Part 1 covers the business district from the Chapin Pit at the north to the east side of the 700 block of South Stephenson Avenue on the south, and includes the 200 block of streets to the east of South Stephenson Avenue, as well as Iron Mountain Street.

Remnants of Early Downtown Iron Mountain – Part 2 (175 Slides)
Part 2 covers Iron Mountain’s business district from the west side of the 600 block of South Stephenson Avenue on the south back to the Chapin Pit at the north, and includes the east 100 block and west 100 block of the streets to the west of South Stephenson Avenue, as well as Merritt Avenue and Carpenter Avenue.

Researching Your Family Tree (305 Slides)
Using the book Research Your Family History: Genealogy for the First Time by Laura Best as a guide, this presentation covers the basic research techniques, unique uses of genealogy findings, and more. Updated in 2018 to include more information!

Sharing the Past (324 Slides)
This presentation includes tips for finding historic information, photographs, genealogical data, and more in Dickinson County, Michigan. A great place to start your exploration of local history!

Wheels: The Horse and Buggy Era – Part 1 (138 slides)
A history of the horse drawn buggy including local information, and pictures with captions.

Wheels: The Horse and Buggy Era – Part 2 (139 slides)
A history of the horse drawn buggy continues including local information, and pictures with captions.

Wheels: The Horseless Carriage – Part 1 (104 slides)
A history of the early automobile including local information, and pictures with captions.

Wheels: The Horseless Carriage – Part 2 (143 slides)
A history of the early automobile continues including local information, and pictures with captions.

Who Do You Think You Are (180 Slides)
This presentation demonstrates examples of genealogical tools and techniques for tracing your heritage and documenting your findings. Included are ancestor charts, family biographical sketches, photographs, and maps and historical background for the times and places in which your ancestors lived. This presentation is focused on one family, but the tools and techniques could be used by anyone to create a treasured family history of your own.

Your Lineage Legacy: Genealogical Resources in Dickinson County, Michigan (114 Slides)
This presentation, prepared in 2012, highlights resources for genealogical research available in Dickinson County. It includes an example of research conducted for the Charles E. Parent family. In 1983, William Cummings challenged himself to see how much information he could gather on a Dickinson County family within one week in the summer. He limited his resources to what could actually be found in Dickinson County within the self-imposed time constraint. The Internet was just beginning to develop, but was not available for research like it is today. Included in this presentation are the results gleaned about the family of Charles E. Parent, one of Iron Mountain’s first merchants.