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Get a library card?

Dickinson County Residents and Property Taxpayers may obtain a library card for free. Non-residents may obtain a card for a fee.

Note to New Cardholders

All new cardholders are placed on a 90-day probation period during which they may only check out five items at any one time and are not eligible to use MeLCat services. Once this period is over, as long as the cardholder does not have any overdues or bills on their account from lost or damaged items, full user privileges will be granted.

Dickinson County Library card logo


All residents of Dickinson County and property owners who pay taxes in Dickinson County are eligible for a library card at no charge. Residents of any age may obtain a card, but children (under 18) must have an adult cardholder present to fill out the paperwork and agree to be responsible for any items the child checks out. Please stop in at any branch to start the process! A temporary virtual card may be obtained through the online card catalog; virtual cards may only be used for temporary access to digital materials or to place holds; completing the registration process as outlined below is required to continue using digital collection or to checkout physical materials.

Adult residents: A photo ID with your current address is required to complete the registration process. If your photo ID does not provide your current address in Dickinson County, additional documentation (i.e., mail with name and current address) will be required for verification.


Adult non-resident Dickinson County taxpayers: A photo ID with a copy of your most recent paid tax bill is required. This information will be required annually to renew the account.

Since the library is largely funded by taxpayer dollars, a fee is assessed to patrons who do not reside or do not pay property taxes in the county. This fee is $17.50 for 6 months or $35 for one year. A photo ID is required to complete your registration process. Non-resident accounts may be shared with family members of the same household.